Meal Charge Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish consistent meal account procedures for Onamia Public Schools

General Statement of Policy
  1. Onamia Public Schools recognizes the parent/guardian's responsibility to provide breakfast and lunch for their children. Proper nutrition intake is essential for adequate learning to occur.
  2. It is the pollicy of Onamia Public Schools to offer breakfast and lunch.
  3. Students may purchase meals when funds have been deposited into their family account.
  4. Households may apply for free/reduced meals anytime during the school year. Applications are mailed to all households in the school district prior to the school year and are included in enrollment packets. In addition, applications are available in each school office and the food service office.
Notifying Family of Account Status
  1. Guardian will be notified when the household account is -.05 or less
  2. The method used to notify the parent/guardian of children in K-5 will be to send home a statement with the youngest family member.  Students in grades 6-12 will be given verbal notification or written notice by food service staff. Students will be notified in line each day that their account is less that $4.00 per student in the family account. *Only one deposit of cash/check is needed per family as all money is deposited into a family account.
  3. If the household account is less than adequate to pay for breakfast and/or lunch, a student in the household will be allowed to charge one meal. When the account is -$4.00 or more, food service personnel will call the family. If the household cannot be reached, a letter will be sent home.
  4. Assistance from county social services may be requested by the school social worker for possible neglect when the above procedures are unsuccessful.

Please call the Food Service Office for more information or questions at 320-532-6775.